terri gerco terri gerco

An intended intention

My intention behind why I started the podcast Everyday Alchemy

Hey guys,

First off, let me introduce myself- my name is Terri, and if you’re into astrology I was born on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces, and I’m an Aries rising. If you’re into Human Design I’m a Manifester Generator with a 3/6 profile. I am originally from Australia, but I live in the beautiful Mountains of British Columbia, Canada, in a wee little resort town called Whistler. I first moved to Whistler in 2008, and since then it has been one crazy rollercoaster journey of self discovery and awakening to the magic and abundance this universe has to offer.

I just want to confess, never ever… ever in my life did I think I would be hosting a Podcast series! Kid you not, ask me 4 months ago and I didn’t even know then that I would be buying microphone’s, or that I’d be googling ‘how to get over cringing at hearing the sound of your own voice’!

But here I am, starting a podcast in where I share my stories and adventure’s that the universe and spirit has sent me on over the years, and the incredible lessons, connections and growth that has always come from them. I will also share my processes and tool’s that I have found to be life changing. From discovering the missing key elements behind the law of attraction to learning to talk to my spirit guides.

I also will be chatting to my friends and member’s of my community on the show, where they too get to share their stories and tool’s that have helped them to expand their consciousness and helped them to spiritually evolve and live their most authentic lives. Whistler truly is a special place, with some pretty amazing people from all around the world. But they are just everyday people too like you, and together, by sharing our stories, my intention is to normalize this world that has previously been more hidden and help to encourage you on your journey too. 

You know, in the more recent years it’s been really cool to see a lot of this awareness and knowledge being shared, thanks to the ease of technology and how much more connected we are than ever. And I just want to say, there’s no right or wrong way in diving into this work.

But I’ve gotta’ say, I’ve seen so many different teachers out there painting their message or tools as ‘THE’ way or ‘THIS IS IT! THIS PRACTICE WILL WORK FOR YOU!’. Sometimes, the way esoteric knowledge is conveyed can also feel overwhelming or maybe sound a bit crazy, it can turn a lot of people off in doing the work! I remember it did for me, years ago when I first started hearing concepts like “we’re all ascending to the 5th dimension!” or “You must have an Ego death Terri!” I would think ‘well what the F does that mean?!”. Or if the catch was I had to rely on the teacher in anyway, for instance to ‘activate me’ or if it was required for me to continuously have to see them and pay for their services in order for me to spiritually grow then I would question the teacher’s credibility. I would get really turned off and have a sense of panic or anxiety about this work.

But I want to stress to you guys that there is absolutely nothing to be worried or afraid of- and don’t worry we are not all going to be teleported to another dimension! The truth is, we are here on 3D Earth, we are not going anywhere, we are still going to have our challenges and ups and downs. But we are being reminded that absolutely all of us have access to 5th Dimensional concepts and abilities! Woot! And remember, absolutely no one can do the work for you, it is up to you to empower yourself.

I just really want to stress that we are all so unique and different, and its important to know that there isn't just one way of doing things. So please don’t feel bad if you’ve tried things or dabbled in things and you haven’t quite gotten the results that other people have. Only as we are all different, and your process or the way you do things will just be different than others- and that’s ok! 

There are so many different teachers and leaders out there, and they too all have their own unique way of sharing their message as that is probably what worked for them. And their way of sharing the information will be perfect for some people, and not so perfect for others- and that’s exactly how its supposed to be.

So, naturally, we need different perspectives.. I want to stress that its ok if perhaps certain styles of relaying information doesn't resonate with you. To just take what does resonate, and leave whatever doesn’t. Everything relayed in this podcast is just a perspective, and I encourage you to use your own discernment to what feels true for you.

Now, I love hearing from experts. They have so much powerful information to teach and share with us, but sometimes- as they have so much knowledge and practice or expertise in their field, I can find it hard to relate to them or implement the tools that they have been using for many many years. And so, my hopes are that in hearing the different stories and information from all sorts of people on this podcast, that you can get a sense of how other everyday people have been doing the work and have achieved success or their desired results.

 For me I just want to be authentic with you guys, and share my journey. I also want to bring some fun and playfulness, as I like to remind people (and myself.. a lot!)  that not everything is always so serious or complicated as our mind or ego makes things out to be! Even in looking back to some of my darkest times, I now also see the light side of that time too- and that’s the beauty of when you move through that darkness, you then have an awareness or perspective that’s removed from that time and you can see the positives or light that was actually there all along.

So anyways, I just wanted to share that nugget of intention with you guys as I cant stress enough the importance of using your own discernment when it comes to learning any new information, and that there is no right or wrong way of doing anything- the important thing is to listen to yourself and to listen what you like or need.

Terri :)

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terri gerco terri gerco

A (brief?) background story

It all begins with an idea.


So first off, before I go into the fun story of how this podcast came about and a bit about where I’m from- I’m going to need to further confess two things:

I talk to spirit. 

And the universe is ALWAYS communicating with me in the craziest ways. 

Yup, there you go- I’ve said it and its out there! For me this is a big step, no actually it’s a really big step that I have been utterly terrified of telling people. This is quite a vulnerable thing for me to be confessing and sharing as i’ve always had such deep fears of being judged or perceived as being crazy for having these energetic gifts. 

And what better way of working through my fears than by confessing them to the thousands of people in Podcasting land! Look, its not really something that I tell people.  I mean my husband and close friends know everything about this side of me, my family kind of-sort of know bits and pieces, but it’s hard for them to understand it all so we haven’t really go into much depth about it all.

So when my new spirit guide came in at the start of 2020 and started telling me I had to stop hiding, and that I needed to be my authentic self. I was a little shocked, I mean, I didn’t think I was hiding.. and I thought I was living an authentic life? I got really annoyed as that was the one thing I was proud of-my truthfulness and being authentic! I mean, I’m Australian- we’re straight up kind of people!

But here’s the thing, this surprise message from spirit made me look within and see what parts of me I was shutting away - who am I kidding- I kind of was hiding!

Now in order for me to explain, I’m going to dive deep into some history of my life and journey, just so you know where I’ve come from and how I have learnt to embrace my gifts and truly alchemize my life.

For a few years I used to run a metaphysical shop in town called The Oracle, and I will explain the crazy story of how that came about later on.. But working at that store I gathered so much knowledge and really discovered and owned the side to myself that was psychic, that could talk to spirit, that was a powerful manifester and creator of my reality. During that time I used to teach workshops, hold meditation circles, practice Reiki, channel and give readings.

But somewhere along the way I got a bit overwhelmed by it all, and it was all getting a bit much- my gifts were evolving and I was changing. My entire perception of reality and understanding of consciousness was changing. In my dreams and meditations I was meeting all sorts of beings from of love and light, who told me they were from different dimensions. They were imparting some very interesting knowledge with me, and the universe was sending me on some of the most wildest and fun ‘adventures’ as I called them.  It was an incredible time, I was blown away- I wasn’t raised in an environment where I was taught anything about all the things I was experiencing, so I guess after some time I ended up just wanting some more normalcy in my life, as I didn’t know what to do with it all.

So yeah, that bit was hard, at the time I couldn’t really accept who I was shifting into, I felt like I was sitting on the fence of two worlds. I found myself feeling split down the middle, and was well aware that many people in my life didn’t perceive the world in the same way as I did.

In one world I had my incredible friends who also had these energetic gifts- we would share stories of what our spirit guides had to say, we would meditate, hold full moon ceremonies and share what cool things we had manifested each week. 

Then in the other world I would have my friends who were unaware of the energetic gifts I had and that they can have too, but who loved the same things as I did- we would Snowboard, Hike, Camp and party together.  It was kind of exhausting, I felt divided and I didn’t know how to integrate both worlds and friends as they were so different. 

As my energetic gifts at that time had also escalated, I found myself reading everything I could, learning & implementing tools and actively expanding my consciousness. I was having some pretty wild experiences where I would learn the most amazing lessons that always resulted in me healing or levelling up in some way- and don’t worry you will hear all about those stories in the show! 

But it was a lot.. It was overwhelming, and I still didn't know who I was or what to do with my gifts.

At this time, I had been doing readings on the side and was teaching workshops here and there, but I felt the calling and just knew I wanted to go off on my own and start a business. After all, i’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart. 

I had thought about maybe doing Specialized Kinesiology, or maybe doing readings and reiki full time. But it also scared me, I was so worried- I mean what would the people in my life think? Would I be rejected and judged as being crazy- or not taken seriously? I was in a new country, starting my new life- but was this what I really wanted to do? Was this really who I was? 

So then I thought about maybe going back to being an Integration Aide or Teaching like I had done in Australia, but it just didn’t excite me- I wasn’t passionate about it.

But I did had a passion for creating,  and previously in Australia I had studied Fashion Design. For me, I had learnt and strongly felt that that it never made sense working a job that didn’t bring me joy. So it always only felt natural to me that if I were to start a business, it would be doing something that I loved to do, and I also wanted to create more freedom in my life as that would give me more time to enjoy all of my other hobbies and passions.

So it was during this time whilst I was actively exploring what business to start, and what i wanted to do next that i was passionate about, that just like that, an idea came! It was one night I woke up at 3am with the instant idea to start a small sustainably made jewelry and clothing business. I woke up and I just knew it, finally, a great idea had come! No one in the town was doing anything like my idea that I had, and it would be creative and fun!

And so, trusting my intuitive ping I left working at The Oracle to pursue starting my business, which I called Re:creation.

I adored my business, it was my baby. And It still is! I’m still running my business, it’s just at a very reduced capacity now as Covid has affected the avenues in which I sell my products. Pre-Covid I loved to do, and relied financially, on big Art Shows to generate the majority of my sales, nowadays its just mostly online sales as large conventions aren’t able to operate.

Over the years I have loved being creative, and channeled all my energy and focus into making the business grow. And it did! Through a combination of my knowledge of the Law of attraction, my passion for creativity and my drive I managed to grow Re:creation to a successful thriving business that was environmentally conscious, and gave me more freedom and made more money than I’d ever imagined it would. And I had created it in the most expensive place to live in Canada, I was constantly telling people that it IS possible to create your dreams- no matter where you are and no matter what you do or don’t have.

But I also now see that over the last 3 or 4 years I really did shut down my connection with spirit, I was so busy running my business that I stopped tuning into my guides as much as I just wanted more of a ‘normal’ life- you know, whatever normal is these days anyways. 

I mean, I didn’t shut it completely off- I was still meditating most days, practicing manifesting and checking in with my guides every so often. It just wasn’t as much as when I first really diving into it all in 2012. I stopped doing as many readings and channeling, or doing Reiki with clients, as my focus was now on Re:creation. But I did still manage to sneak in some cool messages from spirit for people while I was at shows and markets. Sometimes, when I would meet new people, spirit would come through and I would have an amazing message to share, or knowledge to impart. I used to joke about it with my friends, it was the perfect way for me to impact people, as customers would think they are just buying a linen dress, then boom I would sneak in a loving message from the universe for them! The reactions I would get were heart warming, and the messages were always loving, encouraging and impactful.

I was happy- here I was successfully living in both worlds, making an impact by teaching people the importance of shopping local and sustainably made, as well as sharing my energetic gifts!

But then Covid hit.. and for businesses like mine- we rely on big art shows and conventions to make the majority of our money- and all of my Art shows for the entire year were cancelled, online sales were barely trickling in.. By April I already knew how much money I was going to be losing that year.. It was devastating. There was a good few weeks that I had  a rollercoaster of emotions, laying in bed crying & feeling sorry for myself one day, then the next day I would feel manic, not sleeping, trying to figure out how I was going to pay my rent, or  how I was going to pay off my credit card with the $10,000 of Linen I had just bought. 

So, all of a sudden, things were going to look different for me in 2020, and most likely for all of 2021. With the majority of my shows cancelling for an entire year, I had lost a lot of money- but I also suddenly had more time than ever! 

It was during this time I felt spirit trying to come through with a message for me, now I knew that I had a new guide, and I knew that they wanted to talk to me- but I was being selfish and I just didn’t want to talk- I mean heck, I had real life to deal with! So, I didn’t take the time to connect with him.. and although I was meditating everyday, I chose to focus on myself and working through my anxiety and not connect to what he had to say- I was so stubborn and my ego just wanted to deal with everything!

During that time My husband, who works in renovations and construction, still had work throughout the first lock down and needed help putting up some drywall- there wasn’t a lot known about the virus then, and we were in isolation together so I thought why not- it would help take my mind off of everything.

I quite enjoyed dry walling! Dry walling was kind of similar to making clothing patterns too- all the measuring, maths, drawing and cutting! I loved using a drill and the nail gun, and learning the ropes- it was almost like I was taking on a different persona for those weeks and I had fun!

But then, after about 2 weeks of dry walling and keeping myself nice and busy and distracted, it happened- A huge piece of dry wall that we were installing in the ceiling ended up not holding and came crashing down on top of my head whilst I was bending over picking up screws.

I was severely concussed.. I spend about a week with migraines and not being able to walk or barely talk they were so bad. I couldn’t do anything but lie in bed and meditate.

And that’s when my new guide had his moment to talk!

Basically, because I wasnt busy distracting myself anymore with worrying and fearful thoughts about my business, or distracting myself with my mini moment of being a Renovator, he came through and told me that I was to create in a new way and that things were to change for me. 

He had said that I needed to focus less on Re:creation, and go back to learning. That I was to re-visit everything I had learnt in the last decade around metaphysics and quantum physics, as I was hiding from it and there was something more or different that I needed to focus on. 

Now in receiving this message, I was quite shocked and in denial! But spirit was right, I was hiding in a way. I was hiding behind Re:creation for years, dabbling in spirit world and using the LOA just enough to keep me comfortable. But I had built a barrier up around myself, and created a belief that I couldn’t share this side of me- that I had to hide it. That it was too much, or too crazy, or too wild for some people and also, at times, for me.

And so, over a period of about 4 or 5 months during 2020 the universe had me on yet again another quest of self discovery, and trusting in all that it was revealing to me- which ultimately ended in my guides telling me I was to start a podcast and share my experiences. 

Trust me, I have resisted this message a lot! My poor guides, I don’t know how they put up with me! Honestly, There is no way I ever thought I’d be doing this podcast, in my life-ever! I always enjoyed listening to other peoples podcasts, and enjoyed their stories and messages. But whenever I listened I never thought “oh, this is something I should do” or “hey, you know what, I should confess my life story with spirit to thousands of people!” 

 But the thing is, the message came through loud and clear. There was no mistaking it.. And after many months of resisting the idea, I decided to face my fears and go with it.  Plus, from my past experiences, whenever I’ve trusted my intuition and taken a huge leap- equally a huge net has always appeared and magic always shows up!

I just want to be clear, I actually never grew up knowing how to talk to my guides.. It is a skill I learned, and through willingness, dedication and practice I have been able to connect with spirit, trust my intuition more, and learnt to trust and follow the flow of the universe that’s always guiding me. Trusting the flow of the universe is a skill and incredible tool that everyone can learn to do-yes everyone! And I cant wait to share my tips and tools with you guys so that you can discover your own inner power too. 

But I have to say, the one thing I’ve always naturally had is a strong connection to my intuition or my gut feelings, and over time I have learnt to always always trust it. Even as a kid I would just know things, some things I would just intuitively know that were not that big of a deal, like what my teacher was going to be wearing that day at school. But then sometimes I would intuitively know things that were much deeper, and were quite painful to know. Like when my Pa got sick with Cancer, I knew he was sick and was going to die. I was only a kid and remember the moment so vividly when I received the message, we were at the family lake house and he was sitting on the couch. The thought, or rather the knowing (Claircognizance) just came to me, and I just looked at him with shock. He had asked me if I was ok, and I just remember feeling so confused and upset. It’s a secret that I held within me and didn’t share with anyone for the longest time.

I would also have lots of experiences of premonition dreams, or very vivid dreams about other worlds. There was this one re occurring dream I used to have where I would follow a line of light up to a world where I knew everyone there- but we didn’t look like us, we looked like squiggly balls of light and it felt really nice to be there- like it was home. I used to love going back there, it was always so peaceful and so real.

I grew up in the bush, in a small town called St Andrews north east of Melbourne. It wasn’t suburbia- there weren’t any concrete footpaths, malls, or anything like that. My playground was my backyard which was 28 acres of bushland, where as kids we could run free and use our imagination like no tomorrow.  It was tough and kind of confusing growing up as my family weren’t really into this kind of stuff, and I was never taught anything about gut feelings, intuition or being able to feel other people’s energy or feelings like they were your own. So a lot of what I felt and experienced I kept mostly to myself.

From about the age of 7 or 8, I knew I could feel and sense things differently to others, but I just didn’t have the knowledge growing up about how to use it or make sense of it. A small part of me also always felt like I was different, and that somehow I didn’t belong, and it was a deep sense in me and now thinking back to it it I always felt it at a soul level. Its funny as me and my best friend used to make believe that we were long lost sisters, separated at birth. I remember wishing so badly that it was true, as that would explain why I never felt like I belonged.

It wasn’t until my 20’s and when I started travelling, where more and more strange synchronicities and coincidences kept happening,  my intuition and strong connection to the flow of the universe came back! 

I had started travelling as a way to break free and to feel myself again, I hadn’t had the best of years as a teenager- I had experienced trauma which had completely shut me down, I had no idea who I was. I was diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety Disorder and Depression- I experienced some pretty low points in my life, and completely lost who I was and what brought me joy, it was just a very foggy time for me.

But it was funny as it was also during those ‘foggier’ times that I also remember having moments of clarity- Like, thinking surely ‘this couldn’t be all there is to life’? Going to Uni, getting a degree, working a job you hate, having a white picket fence house living somewhere that doesn’t really bring you joy, doing the same thing week after week.. I remember none of this seemed ‘right’ to me, or wasn’t really for me at the time. I didn’t understand what the point was in doing something I didn’t enjoy doing. When I looked around me, it seemed as if everyone was doing what everyone else was doing.. Either because they genuinely enjoyed that path or because they were told ‘this is what you do’ by society or family, so they did it. I felt different from my friends, as for me, I just knew that that wasn’t what was going to make me happy like it seemed to make everyone else, and why would I do something that doesn’t make me happy?! I truly couldn’t grasp it, I was already feeling pretty terrible and uninspired in life, why would I want even more of that?! That is one of the first times as an adult in where I really understood that it was ok to have different wants and needs from one another, and that each want or need is neither the ‘wrong or right way’. Not every person has to follow the same rule book, and the only rule book to follow is your own.

And this is where I first learnt that you cant create a new reality coming from a place or an awareness that you’ve always come from. Something had to change- and that was me and what I was choosing for myself.

And once I made the decision to start living a life that I wanted, and that it was neither right or wrong, then everything changed.

I decided I would make it my mission to find out, and do, what it is that makes me happy and brings me joy!

And over a couple of years I tried soooo many different things, I travelled Asia & Europe, I went to University, I tried a bunch of different courses, I partied- a lot, I worked at all sorts of jobs- just searching for something that made me happy, trying to find what things I was passionate about. 

At the time, all that seemed to make me happy was having adventures and the feeling of freedom, and I was the most free when I was travelling and experiencing the world. I was learning so many new things, meeting new people, seeing different cultures, having the most fun I’ve ever had and discovering more about myself than ever before.

And it was during that time that I noticed- I was in the flow with the Universe again, my intuition was stronger and magical coincidences and synchronistic things kept popping up and always at the perfect time! I hadn’t felt that intrinsic connection in a while, but the more I travelled and was following what brought me joy- then the more these synchronicities happened.

Anyways, life started to take a new permanent direction for me when I was working as an Integration Aide at school, it was an ok job and decent money, which was serving me just fine as I was saving up for my next travelling adventure. At the same time I had toyed around with going to school to be a pattern maker in the fashion industry, so I had also applied for fashion school. 

And while I was in this in between limbo state, I had a good friend call me and tell me she was going back to Whistler for a ski season- and that I should go with her. I remember so clearly the feeling, it was deep feeling within me that screamed yes. 

At the time I was at a crossroads, I still was not happy where I was, my job was ok, but I didn’t love it. I still yearned for adventure and meeting new people. I didn’t want to live a mediocre life, working a mediocre job. So just like that, I said- sure! I didn’t even know where Whistler was! I never had even skied or snowboarded before, I had no idea where I was going but my intuition knew I had to go there and I knew to trust it!

And so, I took a deep breath and took action- I just dove right into moving to Canada. And its funny how energetics work, as the week after I had said yes to going to Whistler, I found out the contract at the school I was working at was ending- exactly 2 weeks before I was due to fly out!

And so, that was 12 years ago, gosh.. remembering back to that time I feel a sense of peace as I was so fearless then. It’s reminding me of how much I really do trust my gut feelings, doing the craziest of things- including getting over my fears of being heard and seen and starting a bloody podcast! 

I guess at that time I was also so unhappy and yearned for more in life, so that was quite the motivator and made it easier to move halfway across the world! The point is, its not enough to just intuitively know something to co-create your reality with the universe, you must also meet the universe half way and take action- it is only then that the universe helps you out with the rest!

Anyways, I was so unprepared coming to Whistler,  I mean in winter time its an average of -5 degrees, and gets to as cold as -20 and I hadn’t even brought any closed toe shoes with me! How Australian! The universe sure had helped me out, it was so easy, 3 months later I already had a job and housing lined up before I had even arrived.

I remember being on the bus up the sea to sky highway, looking out at the sea and these huge majestic mountains- it was like I was in Jurassic park! But I also remember the feeling, that familiar gut feeling deep inside me. I knew I was meant to be here, I knew this was where I needed to stay.

And so I did a Winter season, partied and drank a lot, learnt to snowboard, broke my coccyx and fell in love! I actually met my (now husband) the week after I got to Whistler, and boy did I have to pass some energetic tests from the universe for that to manifest- but we will get into that story another time! 

We had decided to go back to Australia together as he had always wanted to go there, and I had also found out I had gotten into the fashion school which I had applied for before I had left for Canada. So I thought I would try it out, I wanted to be a patternmaker and that seemed like a sensible decision as it paid well.. and I would get to be creative, right?!

We spent about a year in Australia, I was at school full time and my husband Keevik worked as a roadside assist mechanic, life was good but it was also a pretty busy time. Keevik could only get a one year visa, so we tried to cram a lot in, which was hard to do while I was at Uni full time and working 2 jobs. We hadn’t made any plans, and were just going with the flow- living in the now which was fine for us both.

That is until this one night, I had a visit from the man who would sometimes come to my window and look in, he was back! 

I know I know, this sounds kind of creepy! But over the years I used to have dreams where I would see a man at my window looking in. I wasn’t afraid, I knew he was a friendly energy but I just never knew what he wanted as he would never say anything. Now, remember this was when I didn’t know how to talk to spirit or my guides, and I didn’t really embrace all of my energetic gifts. It would just happen sometimes, when I would be visited in my dreams by spirit.

This time though, in this dream he was sitting on the end of my bed! I remember starring at him confused as I kind of recognized him..

I realized that it was my Pa who had died when I was 12! But he was younger- he didn’t look old! He told me how he needed me to go back to Canada, and that I was to get a job at a shop called The Oracle. That was it, then he left.

I remember I sat up and woke Keevik up immediately! Poor Keevik, I just remember saying with such certainty and excitement that we were to move back to Canada and I’m going to work at a place called The Oracle!! I didn’t even know what the oracle was, I think I had been in there once when I was in whistler- and just remember it was just like one of those Bali shops.

And so, with my intuition calling me again- I listened. Keevik was also keen to get back to the mountains and the easy going Whistler lifestyle, and so we made plans to move back.

Now it was kind of tough as moving countries you do need a little bit of money behind you. As I was a broke student, I didn’t have a whole lot in savings so I knew I needed to save up some money asap if I was going to be moving back to Canada.

Now, here’s the thing.. When it comes to the law of attraction- the universe is always listening to you and registers what thoughts and actions you are putting out there, it wants to make things happen for you. And it will, depending on where your focus is- and We will dive more into this in a later episode.  And as my connection to my gut feelings were so strong, and that I was actively taking action and making decisions based off of my intuition- the universe was responding and everything flowed effortlessly to me to help make the move happen.

I needed money, and I needed it within 4 or 5 months as that was when we had decided to move back as my husband is Canadian and at the time we weren’t married so it would be quite the rigmarole to get his work visa extended. I didn’t know how the money was going to come, or how moving back there was going to look- all I knew to do was to focus and take action on the steps necessary to move back there.

Now in hindsight, during the last few months of preparing to move back to Canada, I realize the universe was trying to help me out in getting the funds I needed to help me move back. One night, I had a dream of 6 numbers, I remember I woke up and wrote them down immediately. I told keevik about it in the morning and he suggested to put the numbers in the lottery. I’m so embarrassed but I had no idea how to do the lottery as I’d never done anything like that before, and so regretfully I didn’t do anything with those numbers. Just for fun, that night we looked up to see if I had put the numbers in, if I would have won anything. Low and behold it turned out that I would of have won $10,000, kid you not!

Needless to say, I was absolutely kicking myself. And i’ve actually never ever dreamed of numbers again, so lesson learnt! What’s even funnier is that, good old universe in its true form actually tried to send me some more abundance about two weeks later. Keev and I had made plans to visit friends in NZ , we were at Melbourne airport and we were running late for our flight. Whilst running to our flight I remember I saw something shiny on the ground, I picked it up and saw that it was this god awful gaudy blingy ring with some shiney diamonds. They were so big and shiny, and the ring was so over the top that I was convinced it was fake, I threw it in my handbag not thinking much of it. We went on our trip, and it wasn’t until the flight back when I found it in my bag and turned it in at the airport. Funnily enough, just a week before flying out to Canada the airport called me to tell me the ring had not been claimed by anyone and that it was mine to collect, upon picking it up the next week I saw that it was in fact stamped as real 24K gold.. The ring was in fact real, with real diamonds- and ended up being appraised at $7,000!! The universe really does try its best to send abundance to you- in many different ways!

Anyways, it turns out the universe still hadn’t ceased in its efforts in trying to get money to us- remember money is just energy and because we had made a decision based off of our true inner desires, and because we were actively taking the actions necessary to move us closer to our desires, the universe responded and was trying to give us exactly what we needed to help in the ease and flow of achieving our manifestation.

Both Keevik and I ‘magically’ got more work, Keevik would make extra commissions at his job, and at the time I would make money on the side selling vintage clothing on ebay, and all of a sudden all of my items were selling with crazy bidding wars where people were paying $100 for a vintage sweater I’d bought for $2!

Now the other element that I want to mention which helped me to stay in the flow and create more ease and abundance with my move was that there were still some tests from the universe that I needed to pass in order for me to really be and own the person I needed to be. I had originally signed up for my course, with the intention of becoming a patternmaker. My course was going to take just over a year and a half to complete to get my certification. That was too long, so I managed to convince the teachers to allow me to fast track some of the classes so that I could complete the certification in time. It was such a crazy and fun time, now fashion school is certainly not for lazy people. It is sooo much work and can be pretty stressful if I’m to be honest! But, nonetheless- as unusual of a request as it was- to fast track the course- my teachers actually bent over backwards to help make it happen for me and was quite smooth and easy to organize. One of my teachers actually had got me a part time internship at her work which helped a lot with my certification.

So, about a month before I was due to finish my course and leave for Canada, I got offered a full time patternmaking job at the place I was interning at. Not only that, within a week I had also been offered another internship as a patternmaker with a high end Melbourne based fashion designer. I thought, my god are you kidding me? A year ago, this is all that I had wanted! It was definitely confusing as they both were going to pay well, but they both required me to be in Australia and work some pretty long hours. A lot had changed in the last year and a half, and ultimately I wanted something different now. I remember taking a few days to think about it, my head was telling me I was crazy going back to Canada but my gut was telling me to go.

But here’s the thing, not everything about manifesting is all easy peasy, rosey and rainbows.. See universe doesn’t help you level up without some sort of ‘test’. These test’s are the universe’s way making sure you know you are really in your worth, and that you are committed to being the person you need to be to bring in the reality you want to manifest.

And so, going with my intuition which made NO sense to me at time, I turned down both jobs and stayed committed to the move back to Canada! I realized I must have seemed crazy to my friends and family, as id worked so hard to finish the course and here I was saying no to two amazing job offers- all to go back to Canada to be a ski bum and work at a metaphysical shop for $10 an hour!! Hahaaaa!!!

But we did it, we were able to manifest exactly enough money we needed so Keev and I moved back to Whistler. And so, the week I moved back- I updated my resume and strolled into the oracle and said to the girl behind the desk, hi are you hiring? I want a job here. 

She turned around and said “well yeah actually, i’m moving back to New Zealand in two weeks, so ya I would love your resume.”

And the next day I was hired.

Now, I realize you guys cant see me and what I look like- but I actually have two different coloured eyes, well I have blue eyes but my left eye is both brown and blue. But what was crazy and very synchronistic for me about that day was that the girl who was working also had the exact same different coloured eyes as me, except her brown and blue eye was in her right eye. It was almost like looking into a mirror with this girl, I had never met anyone else with eyes the same as mine and here I was after this crazy journey of uprooting my life yet again to follow my intuition- and it had led me to a metaphysical shop, on the other side of the world, where I hardly knew anyone let alone myself at the time, but it truly felt like I was meant to be there.

And so, there I was.. In Canada and working at The Oracle!! My willingness to give up everything to follow an unknown calling had led me to the other side of the world, and this choice has brought me more joy and more understanding of connection than I never knew was possible! Those stories are just a small taste of my journey into self discovery and how I managed to alchemize my life and discover who I really am. 

I have sooo many other stories like that, that I cant wait to share with you. And I also absolutely cannot wait to share the amazing people that I know, and their stories as they have worked their way through discovering who they are and what magic the universe has provided for them. Not only that, we will also be sharing the tools and processes that we have learnt that have helped to expand our consciousness, and helped us in our journey.        

We will be exploring topics such as manifesting, connecting with spirit, parallel universes, connecting with our intuition, shifting limiting beliefs, discovering our passions and much much more. All those juicy topics that can help you to lead a meaningful and abundant life, no matter where or who you are.


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terri gerco terri gerco

Dear lord, I’ve started a podcast!

It all begins with an idea.

Hey guys!

So, I thought I would dive a bit deeper into the why..

Why on Earth am I baring my soul on a podcast where I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing?!! This is so I can give you an idea on what the process or journey looked like for me as this new project of mine sure did trigger some hidden fears and limiting beliefs. So I hope in me sharing the journey, and being honest, you can find some helpful tools that you can apply in your life too.

So there you go- another confession- I hands down don’t really know what I’m doing, I have absolutely no idea how to do a podcast, I have had no experience with mics, or editing or talking out loud to myself- the whole thing is such a foreign notion to me! I have caught myself many, many times these last few months completely stricken with fear and questioning everything! Yet, I know deep down that this is all just another leap of faith, where I follow my intuitive guidance and figure it all out as I go along!! And well, I’ve gotten this far where I now know how how to record, edit and post- not so bad?!

Now, its important for me to be real with you guys. I never want to pretend like I know what I’m doing all of the time, that I, or my spirit guides, have all the answers. As the truth is I don’t and they don’t- and absolutely no one in this world will have the answers for you- except for you!

 So that is why it is important for you to do your own work, your own research, and to use your discernment when it comes to any new information or teachings. Explore and try out what works for you and feels right for you, we are all different and learn in different ways. And that’s perfect, that’s exactly how its supposed to be. There is never any “one way works for all” when it comes to anything in life. So in exploring any new content, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. And as always, follow your intuition is my best advice.

Previously in my last episode I had given you just a little insight of my journey into my self discovery, to awakening to my energetic gifts as well as the magic of the Law of Attraction. But I wanted to talk more about the reason why my guides want me to come out of the closet- so to speak! I also wanted to share with you how this podcast came about- as there was definitely quite the time period where I was in the dark, where I had absolutely no idea what adventure the universe was sending me on this time, but yet I followed the clues and hints that ultimately has led me here! I am hoping that by sharing my story, you can find some inspiration or some solace in whatever crazy life adventure you find yourself in!

That’s one thing I really want to expand on here, all my life I have had little and big uncanny ‘adventure’s’ in which the universe likes to send me on! I know this is going to sound a little weird, but its true. I have had them all my life, at all different times and stages. These adventure’s come about when I’m in the flow and feeling my most magnetic self, but then sometimes when I’m in some rough situations and when I’ve needed help, and sometimes these little adventures with spirit or the universe have come through when I’ve been too stagnant or stuck.

My adventures usually start out with some little intuitive pings or nudges, or synchronicities which capture my attention. I then usually follow through with following my pings- and they usually lead me to something magical, where I am reminded of the magic of the universe and where I learn some neat lesson or gain some wisdom. But the key element in following these adventure’s is to be in the present, and notice or observe when the universe is trying to get your attention!

And so that is what 2020 was for me- another adventure from the Universe!

Here I was going along just fine- running a successful clothing and jewelry business, always pushing it to the next level- and making more money than I ever imagined or intended it to have made. Not only that, I had created my business and operated it in a way where I would have a lot of time and freedom than I did before. In Summer time I would only do one market a week, leaving lots of time for my hobbies like dirt biking, gold panning, hiking and camping. It really was the perfect lifestyle business for me, making money whilst having freedom for the endless stream of hobbies and adventures that are to be had in these coastal mountains! It wasn’t all fun and games however, in the Fall I would work super hard in production doing 16 hour days in preparation my Christmas Art Shows which were so fun but so much work. After that, and after complete burn out, I would have 4 months off in Winter time where I would snowboard, snowshoe, read or travel, it also allowed me time to spend usually a good month or so in Australia- getting some much needed sunshine and spending time with friends and family. Overall, life was great, I had used the art of holding focus and manifesting to create what to others would have been seen as impossible or too hard to do. And hey, I was proud of myself, I had gone against the grain and had created a business that worked for me, that was my passion and I was living my most awesome and authentic life!

But in 2020 I had an intuitive feeling that things were going to change.. I didn’t know what or how, good or bad- but I just knew.. I started having thoughts about what I would do if I couldn’t run my business, or what other job or career I would like to have if I wasn’t running Re:creation. These thoughts seemed to have come from no where, and I wasn’t sure why I was having them but still I didn’t think too much about them at the time.

I remember it was December 2019 when I sensed I had a new guide coming in. I started to feel my intuitive pings going off, something was changing.. I remember thinking oh gosh, spirit hasn’t sent me on an adventure in quite some time, as.. well.. I’d really been actively trying to ignore them and live a more ‘normal’ life.

I’ve had only just a couple of different spirit guides before, so I knew or had a feeling when a new one would come in. I will go into more detail about how I sense them in a later episode, but I have found that when I have had a new guide come in, its usually also when I am needing to level up in some way- or when I need to learn some new lessons. 

So, I was so exhausted from having the busiest summer I’ve ever had- for my business and from all of the outdoor camping adventures in the mountains. In Canada, Summer time isn’t very long, so my husband and I spend as much time being outside and doing all our fun activities as we can! So I went from a busy fun Summer into a busy 16 hour production days in Fall, then straight after that I was travelling around- going from Art show to Art show each week at Christmas time.

Thinking back to that time, I was basically running on empty.. Or coffee.. Lots of coffee!

Anyway, during this busy time I could also sense spirit with me, but this was a new and different energy.. I could feel it was a new guide coming in but I was just too busy to deal with it! My poor new guide, I didn’t make time to find out who this guide was and what they wanted to talk about as I was too busy trying to live life on Earth like everyone else!

It wasn’t until the new year, when I started getting messages that were a lot clearer and came through in very strong thought form and in my dreams. I remember one day I was in my craft room, playing around with new jewelry designs, when I suddenly got the thought message of “You need to buy supplies now as you wont be able to get them later this year”.

I remember it was said with such urgency- and I knew it wasn’t my thought as I was just playing around and being creative, watching Ru Paul’s drag race and just having a grand old time! I thought the message was perhaps from my grandmother who had passed years ago, as I sometimes ask for her spirit for help when it comes to picking fabrics and coming up with new designs as she always had an eye for designs and was a seamstress herself. But it didn’t feel like her energy.. This was new.

But then more and more messages about how things were going to change this year came in, always subtle and always in a gentle loving way. I’m not going to lie- it was a bit weird for me as my logical/ego mind just couldn’t understand how?! Things were great, I had my entire year of shows and collection’s lined up!

So I didn’t really think much of it..

That was in January 2020, there I was actively was trying to ignore this new spirit guide who was gently warning me that change was coming. It wasn’t until I went to Australia for my annual visit, where I could really sense I had a new guide or spirit with me. I had my first vision of him come in one night when I was meditating, just a gentle appearance and I felt a strong and loving presence. But, as I was on holiday I told him to leave me alone and that I just didn’t want to deal with him now. Then, fast forward to the first lock down of 2020 and when I received my concussion, and boy oh boy was my new guide ever excited to finally have me sitting still and meditating for 6 hours a day- ha!

As I had lots of time, and couldn’t do anything else but lay in complete silence I decided to finally chat with him. I never used to be able to visualize very well in my meditations , but through practice I taught myself how to see things more clearly using a combination of both my imagination and my feelings. He introduced himself to me as a huge giant wizardly kind of looking man,with large hands and was so so tall. Or perhaps an even better description would be an Alchemist, if you will, as he wasn’t so mystical looking like you would imagine a wizard to be. I’ve always had a fascination with Alchemy, but now I had my own alchemist to talk to!  He is very gentle, he also doesn’t talk a whole lot, but when he does he is very to the point and clear -no fuss- just how I like it.

The funny thing is, in the past I hadn’t ever asked for my guides names as I just never thought it was important or necessary- as I knew them as an energy. I would sense my guides through visually seeing them (clairvoyant) in my meditations, feeling them (clairsentient), hearing them (clairaudient) or communicated with them via thought form (claircognizant). So I never really bothered with names, as I never had a use for a name or to label anything as they weren’t physical.

But there was a string of synchronicities that had happened where it was clear he wanted me to ask his name. I remember because it started when I would tell my friends about him, that he was saying some pretty profound things and was helping me to connect me to a pretty big and beautiful love light feeling that I had never felt before in my meditations, or with any of my previous guides. So my friends kept asking what his name was, which is normal.. But then some weird things kept popping up randomly each day.

In a span of one week I got several sign s, I got a random spam email with the subject heading “what is your name?” " or signing up for things I would get “We are missing some details and need your name”, then I got a random marketing advertising flyers in my letterbox with a heading of “what’s in a name?. So, when you notice synchronicities like that- my best advice to you is to trust- no better yet- assume it is a message and just take note of it. The more you notice things like that, the more it will happen! And so after a week of very strong messages from him asking me to ask his name- I sat in meditation and I asked. This is what he had said and what I had written down:

“Believe that I am here, do not always wait for me to come to you- you must meet me in the middle and reach out to me, I am here to help guide you. Believe in my presence, for belief is how you create. Source is the space between beliefs.”

Then he showed me him in a warrior type of outfit with a big shield and staff and shouted “Neo-wise!!!!!!” and laughed.

“Neo-wise??!!! ..What?!” I thought

Like as in the comet that’s passing by our Earth next week? Or Neo as in the bloody Matrix??? I was annoyed coz that’s all I had got, and to me it wasn’t clear and seemed like he was making a joke out of it! And then that week I realized he kind of was, he has a warped sense of humour I tell you that!

Anyways, the next day was interesting as there were a few separate instances in which the name Neo came up randomly. The first one was in the morning I had received an email from a digital marketing company offering their services, the title read “Intro to the right person on your team?” , the company’s name was Neo Financial and at the bottom in big bold letters was the business name logo: NEO. The next thing that had happened was that I was selling a pair of neoprene bikini’s on Ebay at the time, and I had gotten a message from someone asking if they were really neo. Neo??? I thought.. Then I realized she meant to say neoprene.. Hmmm ok- I think I’m getting the message. Then, later on that day I was sorting out tubs of fabric that I’d acquired that were stacked high when a tub landed on me that was marked “Neoprene mesh”.. Even funnier was I had acquired them from the TV show set called “The Magicians”.. Ok, another synchronicity.. Then finally later that night my husband had come home from work and told me how they had hired a new young guy at work, and that his name was Neo!! And how funny is it to actually meet someone named after Neo from the movie The Matrix.


Ok, geez!!! It was all so obvious, I get it- you want me to call you Neo! As you are wise (hence the Neo-wise comment earlier, insert hand to face emoji again) and you are here to teach me and everyone that we are all “the one” that can change and alter this Matrix world that we live in! That ultimately we can all consciously create in this new way… I told you he has a warped sense of humour!

Over the next month I basically spoke to him nearly every day- I didn’t have the distractions of my Spring Art Shows that I would usually be prepping for, and I also had to take things easy because of my concussion. And although I initially ignored his suggestions, after getting to know him I realized that I should probably take his business advice- and the one thing I am glad I acted on was buying a lot of fabric and jewelry supplies while I could, only as it turns out due to Covid and all of the lock downs, I couldn’t in fact get in many of my supplies I needed for that year!

He also would connect information to me, and that’s primarily how he continues to communicates with me. He’s a master at sending me exactly the right person, book, workshop, podcast, email etc. when I need it. He also had me diving back into all of my old books I’d collected and read over the years, primarily though he was sending me messages and connecting me to my old books on Quantum Physics and reminding me of how Quantum Physics ties into the world of spirituality and consciousness.  He would mention how many more advancements in Quantum Physics will be made moving forward in this shift of consciousness that humanity is experiencing. Right on, I thought!!

Then one day in my meditation he told me I am to go back into the art of manifesting, I went on a crazy mission and pulled out all of my old books, it’s funny as I had collected many many books when I was working at The Oracle, as it was a time of my first ‘awakening’ in a sense, I would study everything and anything I could. Some of the books I pulled out were some I had never even read before, you know books that the Terri from 8 years ago had stumbled across randomly- like really old books and teachings from many decades ago from Neville Goddard, to Edgar Cayce.

I also pulled out all of my old journals, of meditations and channelings, and the many manifestation lists that I had made over the years. It was so fun, I flipped through and looked at all the items I had crossed off on my list that I had manifested- and in that moment I realized I forgot just how powerful of a manifester I was, and how I used to use the Law of Attraction (LOA) all the time! I realized that although I had used the LOA for attracting everything I needed and wanted for my business, and smaller little insignificant things, but I realized I had completely neglected using it in other areas of my life. In particular, to the bigger picture things in my life like manifesting a home or a family. This brought to light and uncovered some more limiting beliefs that I had around home and family.. Oh boy, I really was hiding away a lot more than I had realized!

In revisiting all of my old Law Of Attraction books, and by talking to my new guides, I realized I was denying a powerful part of me- all because I told myself that I wanted to live a more normal life. I had wanted a more normal life because I was done with all of the universe’s crazy antics and missions, and I didn’t want to be judged and ultimately rejected. I also had felt an intense pressure or burden that came with using my energetic gifts, I also didn’t want other people to feel uncomfortable by exposing this side of me. But with me sitting on the fence of both worlds like that, and fearing my own power and divinity, my full power and true potential in manifesting and creating was being diminished. I needed to accept who I was, and own it to fully unlock my power.

So after that realization I thought well maybe this was a clue as to why my new guide had come in. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to sit on the fence anymore, and deny this part of me..

It’s funny too as when I was going through my old journals, I also found a sheet of paper with a channeled message from a friend of mine who is a professional Channel at the metaphysical shop I worked at, who had channeled a message for me about 8 years earlier. I couldn’t believe it, this is exactly what I was facing now. Here’s what it says:

“The Large guide is to teach her about trust, to teach her about power. She longs to hear better, but sometimes she does not want to hear. For fear of something bad, she needs to know that safety is for her and that guidance comes to her to teach her about change and trust.”


 Whoa, I thought, the large guide had arrived..

And so, finally he was here, the giant alchemist who had come now to remind me about my power.. about the law of attraction and being a conscious creator.. I had some limiting beliefs to work on!

And so over the last few months he has talked about many things, but mainly he was here to help remind me of who I am, of what I know in regards to the co-creating with the universe, and how I have been ignoring my power and that it was time for me to share more of this side of me. Errrr, ok I guess so.. As I spoke more and more to him, I decided I would start writing out what he had to say- here is a message from my guides that I had written down:

“Your stories serve to expand and guide not only you- on your path, but other’s too. For other’s are you. Not one person on Earth lives life without a journey in which lessons were learned, in which growth was achieved. This journey of ‘life’ on Earth transforms when the lessons are shared. This is the reminder of the ‘I am’. I am source, I am energy. And that is ‘we’ are all one consciousness. And so it is time for you to share, it’s time humanity remembers how to consciously create with intention, with focus. ”

Now I want to be real with you guys, all of this information that was coming to me came in bits and pieces and was shared with me over a period of about 3 or 4 months. And I know for some of you, this all sounds a little crazy- and I completely understand. Trust me, I am just a normal regular person like you and even I had times where I question what the heck is happening or going on with all of this. It can be awfully confusing, and in the past a lot of this information has been kept hidden But, more recently I’ve noticed a lot of that is changing and more and more people are coming out and sharing about this knowledge. Which is incredible exciting and powerful!

So, not only was my guide showing up in my meditations and sharing information in all sorts of ways, he also introduced me to and helped me to connect to an even higher energy that is of love and light. I wont go too much into this just yet, but basically I had an even bigger team of new guides than I originally thought!

And so, probably 2 or 3 times a week, I would connect with Neo and some pretty magical synchronicities were happening. So I started making note of them all, but not knowing what for. I Still hadn’t had clarity on how I would be sharing these stories and what that would look like. I’ve got to say, it was a pretty intense time as I don’t like being kept in the dark! I was obsessing over thoughts about ‘what was I going to do next? What creative project was I going to be starting? When will I know? How will I find out? I was so carried away with his exciting time of change- I was utterly consumed by it all! 

It was all I could think or talk about, it came to a point though where all this intensity made me realize two things: the first thing being that I’d forgotten how passionate I was about this world of consciousness and spiritual development- and how exciting it truly is. 

And two- how funny it was that my little Ego mind was so obsessed with the needing to know! Needing to know the how’s, when’s why’s where's. Needing to know if everything is going to be ok, needing to know what the next plan of action is! My poor Ego mind was just trying to control things, but if we always try to have control of things- then that stops the magic from coming in.

You see, my fleeting worrying thoughts were just my ego- and those thoughts were not in fact really me. I didn't need to worry or obsess over anything, I learnt that I was actually just fine being in the space of not knowing, as I was really enjoying the journey. The fears were just stemming from old looping fears of not being supported, or fears from lack. Once I remembered this, I let go of the attachments to needing to know, as only then would the answer come in due time and with much less effort! And so with that in mind, I decided to put my energy and focus onto what I wanted to manifest- which was the end result knowing what it is I am to do next.

So after an entire Summer of being sent on a wild goose chase of re-discovering myself and this world of conscious awareness, the message of starting the podcast finally came through. One morning I had woken up feeling pretty peaceful from a dream where I had been laying on the grass staring at the clouds. After a ten minute meditation laying in bed, I decided to check my phone for emails and Facebook messages and saw on a Facebook group that I follow that someone was sharing some of their favorite teachings and books they had read around consciousness and manifesting etc. I made note of the names as I’m always curious about different content and books that are out there. One of the names mentioned was William Whitecloud, hmm that’s funny I thought- thinking of the dream I had just had! So I decided to follow my intuition and look up his website to see what his books or teachings were all about. When looking on his site I saw that he taught workshops, and that he was moving them online and that one of his workshops was being offered for free. My ear rang and I heard my guides, “sign up!” I heard.

I saw that I had missed the sign up date by two days, “Sign up anyway!” I heard.

And so I did, not even knowing why or what it was about. I actually didn’t really think much of it at the time anyways, so was surprised when a week later I received an email stating there was room for me to join the online Zoom course.

And so I did! It started the very next day.

What was funny was, here I was joining up for the course and attending a zoom class in which I had absolutely no idea what the course was even on or about! I remember our zoom class leader asked us what our intentions were for the next 6 weeks from the course, we all had to read them out loud. I remember I said something along the lines of to “have fun and help change the world!”. Ha, insert hand to face emoji.. But really, that is what is at the base or foundation of a lot of things I do in my life- to have fun and to be a part of a positive shift forward for humanity.

Anyhow, what I found was the course was actually on everything I knew about focus and consciously creating your reality (surprise!). I laughed at my guides and the universe sending me the workshop. Alright, I get it! But towards the end of the workshop we focused more on finding and creating our destiny. Perfect, I thought. Maybe I’m getting closer to having an idea about what I can do with all of this magic that I know about? And I did!

During a meditation whilst in our group session, my guides came forward and showed me an image of me seated by a laptop, and talking into a microphone. I was busy writing down all that I saw and heard in this meditation as so much was coming through and was all very vivid. When I came out of the meditation I saw that I had written “Podcast” with circles around it!


What?! I thought.. nooo.. surely not? But as I will explain in later episodes about noticing signs and synchronicities, the signs I received thereafter were clearly pointing in that direction!

So there you go, my new guides were here to remind me that I was creating my reality, and that I needed to share my stories and processes through a bloody podcast.

Now, not only that- my guides also shared with me that the world will be experiencing a shift in consciousness and that this was already underway. This is something that I had in fact already read about, and that many people have been talking about for decades. So basically they told me and as I will share with you, is that we need to remember who we are, and remember that we have an innate creative power within all of us to create anything we desire, and that the entire world will be learning to create their reality in a ‘new way’- not just me. Geez, I thought- no biggie!!

I do want to go back in history to the last major shift in consciousness- this was during the scientific revolution. Sir Isaac Newton discovered his teachings-Newtonian physics, which is our general physics that we learn in high school, towards the end of the scientific revolution. The reason why this revolution happened is because around 300-400 years ago people got sick and tired of being superstitious and being suspicious and wanted to know more, and got curious about the world. This curiosity and sense for needing a new way of looking at the world happened because our consciousness evolved. Humanity started to understand the material world from a different point of view, and so we developed systems and order in the world that took the emphasis away from being victims to superstition, and things being seemingly out of our control. Instead, with our new found focus on Newtonian physics, society had more control over the world. We began to realize we have will, and that our will can effect or manipulate our material world. And as our consciousness evolved, so did our physical world as a result.

So now, we are in the midst of yet another evolution of consciousness- and where ultimately old structures and ways of doing things will change. We are beginning to realize that we in fact contribute to the cause, in the cause and effect paradigm, via our thoughts or beliefs. And if I’m going to be honest I’m going to say that we definitely are in need of a shift or change as I think we are all aware by now of the state that the Earth is in. With Climate change becoming more and more evident, I think we all have the realization more than ever that many things in our world need to change in order to correct the effects of climate change, and to ensure the longevity of human kind. And that this needs to start with our consciousness, as any action taken has always had a thought that came before it.

We have been blindly reacting and unconsciously taking actions in this world that have ultimately lead us to this point, in order to turn this ‘ship’ around, we must think differently in order to act differently, and take action with conscious intent. I think of Einstein’s famous quote “No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it”.

And that’s exactly what’s at the foundation or core of everything I want to share with you guys.

Consciousness tends to evolve when we learn or acquire new information. And the way we can evolve our consciousness is by opening up to acquiring new information and new or different ways of thinking. Which brings me to the fundamentals of the LOA- realizing that our thoughts and our focus ultimately become our reality.

Consciously creating our reality encourages you to be more aligned with higher vibrational states like happiness and joy- and who wouldn’t want more of that? And with more people living life that is aligned with higher vibrational states, that is more aligned with their passions and purpose, and where people awaken to their inner genius- then I can only imagine what better state our Earth and humanity would be in as a result. And that’s definitely something I want to be a part of helping to create.

Ultimately what I know and have experienced is that consciously co-creating with the universe is incredibly life changing, it’s a whole heap of fun and I have become a much better person and have a positive influence on this world because of it.

For me personally, I’ve always been interested and connected to any esoteric knowledge- I think because I was such an intuitive kid and had experienced some unexplainable things before so I wanted to learn more about what I had experienced. I realized through travelling and meeting so many people from all walks of life, that there are soo many people out there just like me, who also had experiences and had the same thirst for this knowledge and awareness. By truly owning who you really are then you can find your community or tribe of like minded people that accept and love you for your authentic self. I hope that by listening to the podcast that you too can find a sense of belonging, and a community.

We all have such different lives and come from all sorts of backgrounds, and by sharing our stories- what we have learnt and the tools and processes that helped to get us there, we can help others on their journey too. This was an art that was used by our ancestors for thousands of years, in all cultures, all around the world. Nowadays, we have become busier and busier, and somewhere along the way- particularly in the most recent years- we have gotten a little lost and subsequently forgotten the value of story time. And from what Neuro-science has shown us, we create mirror neurons in the brain when observing or hearing about or seeing other people and their actions. So these mirror neuron’s basically allow us to learn through imitation, and by hearing about these stories of how other people have achieved success, or their desired reality- then this is helping to teach your brain that yes- these things are possible and is sending that message to your subconscious.

But, my guides have come forth now to deliver the gentle and loving message that its time to remember, to remember the things you didn’t know you had forgotten. And so now in this amazing age of technology, it is easier more than ever now to connect to people from all around the world, to listen to each other’s stories and hear and learn from each other, from what we have learnt in our lives.

I hope that you find comfort and a sense of belonging while listening to this podcast, maybe it even lifts your vibrational state as we laugh at the wild adventures shared. Who knows, perhaps you will learn something new and inspire you to further pursue personal growth, to follow your passion or purpose on Earth. Perhaps this podcast and the tools you learn might inspire you to alchemize your life in some way, or encourage you on your journey of spiritual growth. As we all have the ability to tap into this energy, into this quantum realm of infinite possibilities.


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